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Another day another blog


My name is Jen. I am just a city raised girl all grown up(ish) living a country wife life. I've been told I'm crunchy and they probably aren't wrong.

Here, you will truly read about lifestyle. Some posts might be short, some might be long. Some might be about kids and some might be about our farm. Maybe a little fashion and maybe my most tried and true recipes. 

I'd love for you to stick around and get comfy and see what life is like with (almost) 5 kids living in a shipping container that we built ourselves and farming our 5 acres to generate an income and to live as sustainable as we can (you bet bartering is included!)

Feel free to introduce yourself in the comments below. I'm not here to just share who I am. I would love to get to you know too. Let's be friends!



Baby carrier I'm wearing in photo is an Onbuhimo made by Sakura Bloom


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